Today, I want to share with you eight golden tips everyone working as a freelancer must know. Whether you are a beginner or a professional these tips will help you scale your freelancing business so stay tuned and don't miss this small short blog. Hi everyone I'm Mehandi and today I want to share with you some important tips as a freelancer working online. Tip number one which all beginners will think about and sometimes it will stop them from working. This question: how we will get paid? some people think the internet is somehow virtual we can't get paid they have this type of thinking other people say that PayPal is not available in their country so how they will get paid and they worry about this a lot and sometimes they stop working because of this thinking today, please I want to tell you to stop thinking about how you will get paid if you get an order and you get some money you will find a way to get your money don't worry about this just start, work hard, im
what your mind can think can achieve it....